India and Sri Lanka are a long way from Sonoma County. No crow has ever made it. The shortest route is not over the North Pole, where few dead crows have been sighted.
The Pacific winds will fight against our flight, but Singapore is our first stop. It's the perfect city to stop at. Other cities have gardens in them. But Singapore says it is a city in a garden. We love it, but there are even more delicious sights to see on this trip.
We're only stopping over in Singapore for three hours. But here's the real catch. We leave San Francisco at 9:30am on Friday, January 31st. We fly for 17 hours, and arrive in Singapore on Saturday, Feb 1st, at 8:30pm. Pat's birthday is February 1st. She loses 16 hours of her birthday to the international dateline, spends five more hours on a plane during that day, and enjoys the last three hours in the airport before we leave for Madras, India. I am praying I can arrange the best birthday dinner I can manage on the stopover. How about you all send her birthday wishes on Facebook at 8am on Friday, Jan 31st? (Pat Kuta) She'll see them, and it will actually be Feb 1st in Singapore.
I hope to make better maps than these. They show our itinerary, but not precisely, nor are they easy to see. But after we check into our hotel in Madras, and get a lot of overdue sleep, we'll find our driver and guide. We're going to be thirteen and half hours ahead of you, so this is going to be another one of those trips where just as your day gets started - we've already lived ours. We hope we can inspire you to find the adventure in your day.

India and Sri Lanka are a long way from Sonoma County. No crow has ever made it. The shortest route is not over the North Pole, where few dead crows have been sighted.
The Pacific winds will fight against our flight, but Singapore is our first stop. It's the perfect city to stop at. Other cities have gardens in them. But Singapore says it is a city in a garden. We love it, but there are even more delicious sights to see on this trip.
We're only stopping over in Singapore for three hours. But here's the real catch. We leave San Francisco at 9:30am on Friday, January 31st. We fly for 17 hours, and arrive in Singapore on Saturday, Feb 1st, at 8:30pm. Pat's birthday is February 1st. She loses 16 hours of her birthday to the international dateline, spends five more hours on a plane during that day, and enjoys the last three hours in the airport before we leave for Madras, India. I am praying I can arrange the best birthday dinner I can manage on the stopover. How about you all send her birthday wishes on Facebook at 8am on Friday, Jan 31st? (Pat Kuta) She'll see them, and it will actually be Feb 1st in Singapore.
I hope to make better maps than these. They show our itinerary, but not precisely, nor are they easy to see. But after we check into our hotel in Madras, and get a lot of overdue sleep, we'll find our driver and guide. We're going to be thirteen and half hours ahead of you, so this is going to be another one of those trips where just as your day gets started - we've already lived ours. We hope we can inspire you to find the adventure in your day.