This weekend, I found a website that was set up to celebrate the life and accomplishments of World College West. It contains a rich history of the campus, it founders and pioneers, and the ongoing legacy it has in the hearts of all of those who continue to work to improve the world around us.
Wishing to assist in the collection of WCW memorabilia, I went to my garage, and dug out some old photos I had in a file cabinet. Scanning them, I was in the process of editing each when i discovered a strange photo. Knowing that it was my camera which had taken the half dozen photos one early day in the campus opening, I discovered that one of the photos was of me talking with students sitting on some rocks on hillside. I may never know who used my camera to capture that moment, but I will cherish the fact that someone did. And that it took me 25 years to find my own little memory treasure.