Monday, May 23, 2022

Sunday, May 22nd, El Fuerte



After spending a wonderful couple of days with Mario and Margarite on their Rancho San Isidro, Mario drove us down the only road to the bottom of the Canyon to the town of Urique.  It's the of Copper Canyon, where the Tarahumara must do all their official business.  It's also a town of 2,000, where everyone knows Mario and his family.  The main street bears his family's name, and he took us on a walking tour of the schools, church, baseball field.  One of his best friends continued the tour of the town's fruit trees, cactus, and flowering plants while his brother's family made us lunch.  Everywhere one can see evidence of the pride and impact the Caballo Blanco (White Horse) UltraMarathon which has brought international acclaim to the Tarahumara runners,

Unfortunately, my camera battery mysteriously died shortly after beginning the descent, and you're all going to have to imagine the trip into the deepest valley in Mexico,  It's a bucket list place, for both its views and its people.

Here are some photos which we got of the Mission, its namesake hotel operated by the Balderrama family, and the Train (also owned by the same family. 

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