We're home. It was a very long series of flights from Northern Chile to Santiago to Dallas to San Francisco, and a bus ride to Santa Rosa. Thankfully, we were so tired from the bad bed in Atacama that we slept for most of the main flight. We're sorting through mail today after a great night's sleep on the best bed in the world.
Thanks to all who followed our adventure, and to Pat's brother and his wife, who watched over the house. We'll be local for a while until the summer when we drive the Airstream up to Vancouver for a month. In September, it's off to Paris and Africa until the end of October. Look for lots of photos and blogs again during those adventures. I may out some of the photos from this trip into videos for YouTube. I'll provide a post here to link to them if I do.
And I haven't forgotten my promise to put together some personalized photo sets for many of the members of our tour group. We'll be dealing with some personal family medical issues in the next weeks, but I will get them finished and sent off as I can. Thanks to all of you for helping make our trip so wonderful.
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