Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday, Nov 14th, Meteor Crater and Wuptaki Ruins


Pat and I continued our visits to Arizona's ancient and beautiful parks today.  Our first ever meteor crater was spectacular, and I was able to capture a great shot of our guide in action taking a photo of a couple with us on a ledge overlooking the rim.

    I sent it to the company which runs the tours, but only wish I had gotten the email of the couple.  The next shot I took turned out even better of them on the edge.
We learned much about meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites (out in space, encountering our atmosphere, and after it hits the ground), and of the history of meteor impacts.

Later in the day, we visited Wuptaki National Monument.  It's a great little pueblo, preserved well with easy walks to view the site.

We're settled back into the Airstream, enjoyed a great penne pesto dinner with an Argentine Malbec wine (Tapiz), and are looking forward to our trip down to Tucson tomorrow.  We've had a good four days in Sedona, and recommend it to everyone.

Here's a link to the day's photos (not many): Meteors and Ruins


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