Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, Feb 21st, Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge


Our driver/guides are top-notch, in their skills negotiating the roads, answering our many questions, and spotting animals for us to see and photograph. We usually get on the road after breakfast by 7:30am, and arrive at our next destination by 1pm. That's followed by a terrific lunch, and a game drive for most of the afternoon. Each van has the driver and five travelers, all eager to help each other spot and photograph as many living creatures as possible. Of course, it is a little like the movie "The Big Year". It's much more exciting when we see something we haven't seen before. But how can you not love each one you see? Around every corner, up every tree, behind each bush, there's something wild.

And they are all mixed in together. I think I was assuming before I got here that they stayed separate. That they respected each other's territory. They do when it comes to lions and leopards. But just about everything else just gets along. It's very cool, and results in our having no idea what we're going to see next.

One thing that amazed me was the Corriolus effect at the equator. It's so precise. You'll see some photos of a demonstration we saw which tested how a matchstick circled in a basin of water at three locations - north, south and on the equator. I couldn't believe that it changed that radically within 60 feet of the equator!

Though the last 25 photos (among the best) can seem to make it up to the web tonight, I'll keep trying. I think I may have run out of bandwidth, and will have to post them at the next stop. We'll see. To see those that did make it up, click on: Tuesday, Feb 21st, Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge


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