Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thursday, March 30th, Pokhara, Nepal


Last night, at dinner, our guide (Nabu) asked how many wanted to take the early morning flight to see Mount Everest.  Pat and I were the only ones not enthusiastic.  We later questioned why so blase, and couldn't figure it out.  I was toying with the other options we had (zip-lining, bunjee jumping, para-sailing, etc), but we finally concluded that the combination of another great group adventure, and actually seeing the Himalayas, was too good to miss.

Once in the air, and seated in all the window seats, our flight attendants helped us figure out which peaks were which.  It's too bad that my cell phone telephoto still can't be attached (the company that makes the case it screws into hasn't finished the one that fits onto the newest Google Pixel).  

That left peak with the cloud hanging straight out to the right is Everest.  But we got to see six of the highest ten peaks in the world also.  A majority are in Nepal, with a couple more in Pakistan.  It was a pretty awesome flight, and the flight over here to Pokhara which followed the early morning flight made the rest of the day seem less exciting.   Nabu took us on a tour of our hotel neighborhood (Da Yatra Courtyard), some of the group walked a suspension bridge bigger that the one we crossed in Bhutan, and we visited a museum dedicated to the Gurkha soldiers who have been heroically defending Nepal for 200 years.   

To see all of the photos taken today, click on Thursday, March 30th, Pokhara, Nepal.

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