Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wednesday, May 8th, Valletta, Malta



Today was our last tour day.  We spent it visiting some of the locations that we previously were not able to because they were closed.  We also went to a museum, and two outstanding temple and megalith sites.  Due to a mistake by the tour company, we were not able to visit one large megalith site, but did get to take a few photos before we were kicked out.  

It rained today, so our walks were done being careful not to slip on pathways not well designed for slick surfaces. 

This being the last post of the tour, and because I've taken photos of most of the site signs, I'm going to pass on identifying the sites in this narrative.  You'll see where we went in the photo album.  I do want to take the opportunity to thank everyone of the tour, travelers, tourguide, and drivers.  Malta was a great end of the tour, partly because it contained the oldest and largest ruins, and partly because it contained sites and experiences which illuminated the whole span of history.

We're flying home tomorrow, and getting in late.  The next day is an important fundraiser for good friends of our in Marin (Center for Domestic Peace).  Thanks to all at the Original World, and Supreme Travel..

To see all of the photos taken today, click on Wednesday, May 8th, Valletta, Malta.

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