Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thursday, April 18th, Verona, Italy


Verona is halfway between Venice and Milan on the train.  It's where I discovered yesterday, after purchasing a ticket at the Vicenza Mestre station just outside Venice, that I had lost my wallet.  I actually know where I lost it.  I pulled out my wallet to get my VISA card, and put my wallet on my suitcase against the wall next to the kiosk.  Oops, big mistake.  Hurrying off to the platform to catch the train, it probably fell behind the suitcase as I grabbed the handle.

Three stops later, as we exited the Verona train station, I reached into the pocket it should have been in, and found only the Visa card.  Making our way to the apartment we had reserved (on the card and Pat's Euros), we searched everywhere, and finally concluded that we'd do two things: 1) I'd go back to the station and ask the lost and found; and 2) we'd start canceling the credit cards in it.  We failed on the first, and were only marginally successful on the second.  Last night, I went back to the Verona train station, bought a ticket back to Venice, waited for the 6:49pm train (and found out I was sitting on the right platform, but the wrong end of the train).  Few things more frustrating then running 100 yards to the closing doors of your reserved coach, and watching it speed away.  

We're also struggling to get our purchased ESim phone cards to let us make phone calls to International and U.S. phone numbers to cancel our credit cards.  best we can do so far is move my money into Pat's checking accounts for the debit cards, and send text messages and emails to everyone else.  One of them at least had an online "lock card" function.

In the meantime, we did get an email from one bank telling us of "unusual activity" on the card.  So someone probably is in possession of the wallet.  Nix the idea of trying another train ride to see if it ended up in the lost and found.

This morning, we walked from our perfectly-located Truly Verona apartment to the 13th Century city center.  Amphitheaters, and walled-in convents, parks, and tons of restaurants and shops are around us.  With Hop-on busses, taxis, and pedestrians (zillions of children), we feel very comforted.  Even without my wallet.

To see all of the photos taken today, click on Thursday, April 18th, Verona, Italy.

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