Monday, April 8, 2024

Monday, April 8th, Tirano, Italy


Across the border into Switzerland, on the railway to St. Moritz, is a cable car station (Diavolezza) that carries you to the 10,000 foot summit of a pretty spectacular ski slope.  Normally, you can ride the Bernina Red Train from our hotel there. but a landslide last week blocked the route, so we used a smaller, more agile bus to navigate the narrow, steep roads following the tracks.  And while only a couple of us fought vertigo or oxygen shortages, we all accompanied plenty of skiers and snowboarders to the point where a local legend says that a fairy creature (She-Devil) had the ability to make visitors lose their orientation.  

Noting the limits of many types of trees, we climbed from the lakes and waterfalls which provide 90% of Switzerland's power, to the treeline's upper boundary.  On a clear, warm day, we lunched at one of the Alps premier views.  Roberto, our guide, provided a commentary which entertained us with hundreds of vital insights acquired over a lifetime of residency.  Back at our hotel at 2pm, our tour crew challenged us to determine Italian vs Swiss Chocolate in a blind tasting. 

This evening, we'll experience another of OAT's signature experiences (Home-Hosted Dinner).  Not sure if photos will result, but if it's anything like other similar evenings OAT has provided, it will be fantastic.  

To see all of the photos taken today, click on Monday, April 8th, Tirano, Italy.

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