Today was a sprint day, beginning at 8:30am and ending at 4pm. We did spend an hour at the Tamastslikt Cultural Center, one of the best-designed native arts facilities in the Northwest. The only native american museum on the Oregon Trail, it is a huge wooden structure, sitting at the far end of the property shared with a casino, golf course, and rv park by a confederation of three tribes (Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla). Though photos were not allowed inside, I would think it difficult to capture in images the displays and multi-media approaches the tribes utilize to tell their stories. Well worth a visit, this museum seems to have afforded the very best in design and content.
Arriving at Burns, we got lost trying to find a 187,000 acre National Wildlife Refuge south of town. The signage could be better, but I must admit we missed a key sign in the entrance to the town. An hour of detour, we finally arrived at Narrows, a ghost town straddling two huge (now dry) lakes which are flooded in April to receive over a million birds in the flyway up the west coast of the U.S.
Finishing the day with a pizza dinner in town, we're now watching the sunset, and planning a short drive tomorrow to Lakeview (where the chamber of commerce assures us there actually is a lake).
Sorry, no additional photos today.
1 comment:
Been reading your stuff, sounds like a great trip.
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