Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 9th, South Kona, Hawaii


Arriving yesterday, Ken Di, Pat and I drove south from the Kona Airport to the condo we're staying in for the next week.  It's one of a few houses at the base of a long hillside subdivision, and sits on a bluff above a black pebble beach cove.  We moved in, and explored the beach and surrounding area.  We have few neighbors, unless you count the Hawaian mongoose and the hundreds of fish we found while snorkeling this morning.  We drove to a beach with green sand today.  It was at the southern most point of the United States, and directly (and quite a ways) north of Antarctica.  It felt like a cold, stormy day at Point Reyes or Bodega.  But it was warm and muggy.

We'll be exploring the other odd characteristics of this island in the next few days, and having a ball doing it.

To see the rest of the photos taken yesterday and today click on: April8th, South Kona, Hawaii and April9th, South Kona, Hawaii


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